A Creative Community by Leon Films

What is Leon Unity?
A Creative Community for Filmmakers and Storyteller
Leon Films has been around for a decade and while we've learned a lot from our fellow creatives, there was always a lack of resources to truly bring us together for support and learning.
That's why we created Leon Unity, a creative filmmaking and storytelling community by Leon Films. We want to bring creative talent together, to help each other learn and create together. We are all storytellers and our end goal is to bring our passions to life.
To that end we've started our journey by creating free lessons online through "Leon Unity Lessons" and it's sub-series "Minute Tip Monday" on our YouTube channel, as well as bringing the community together on our Discord server to chat and collaborate.
We want to foster the next generation of talent and we're currently working on some huge projects to bring them in on including full courses and collaborative projects to work on, so watch this space, creatives!